Make a contribution
List of needs
Here you will find a list of the most urgently needed goods. Please understand that health care is our priority and therefore we cannot accept shoe and clothing donations unless they are explicitly requested.
Acceptance of in-kind donations in Heidenheim:
- Bühlstraße 30, 89522 Heidenheim, Germany
- Opening hours: Thursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 am | 03:00 pm - 06:00 pm
Donate now

Beneficiary: Rotary Hilfe e.V. Heidenheim-Giengen
IBAN: DE27 6329 0110 0338 2260 01
Bank: Heidenheimer Volksbank
Payment reference: „UKRAINE“

„Unsere Hilfe zählt“ is the donation portal of the Heidenheimer Zeitung. Through this portal Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de e.V. collects donations for the fuel costs of the huminitarian aid transports to Ukraine.

We also accept your monetary donations via PayPal. Via the following account:
Payment reference: „UKRAINE“
Internal needs
How else you can support us: