We are Heidenheim-fuer- Ukraine.de e.V.
About us
"Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de e.V." is a non-profit and charitable association that was formed in response to Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The starting point was the spontaneously organized aid deliveries of medicines, bandages, medical products, food and everyday items.
The spontaneity gave rise to professional continuity: aid deliveries are made to different regions of Ukraine on a regular base. Our ever-growing network of contacts with Ukrainians in Heidenheim and in Ukraine itself ensures that Ukrainian needs are precisely known and that deliveries actually arrive locally.
After the start of aid deliveries to Ukraine, further activities quickly developed, so that we now have three main areas of activity:
- Aid deliveries to Ukraine and necessary fundraising activities.
- Caring for Ukrainian refugees in the region of Heidenheim in many ways and thus directly promotes their social integration.
- Cultural events with and by Ukrainian artists, not only for entertainment, but especially to make Ukrainian culture better known and to strengthen the ties between Germans and Ukraine, which in turn helps us with our fundraising activities.
On the 19th of March 2022 the meeting for the foundation of the non-profit and charitable association "Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de e.V." took place.
On the 14th of September 2022 "Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de e.V." was awarded with the German Citizen Award 2022 for the district of Heidenheim in the category "Everyday Heroes".
As a constantly active and therefore increasingly visible civil society organization in Ukraine, “Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de e.V.” was invited to and represented at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 (URC 2024) in Berlin in June 2024.
Heidenheim-fuer-Ukraine.de - What we do
Would you also like to become a helper?
Would you like to help with accepting in-kind donations, sorting, packing and loading or can you support us in any other way?
Fill out our form.

Do you have a general request, an idea or a suggestion for improvement?
Contact us by e-mail keyword "Request":
or via info phone: +49 157 3683 1988